Monday, December 9, 2013

Benefits of Listening to Music

Listening to music is a common activity that we all indulge in. Aside from the relaxing feeling that we get from it, it also has a great ability to take our attention away from the stress of our daily lives, even for a few minutes.

Aside from being a form of entertainment, which is primarily the role it plays today, did you know that listening to music is proven to have health benefits as well? If you are someone who loves music, the here is some good news for you.

Music as a therapy to ease pain – did you know that music is now being used to treat a patient’s pain? Listening to music is said to be effective when it comes to easing pain and this method is gradually being used in medical institutions to treat both chronic and postoperative pains. There are also various studies worldwide that are being conducted to prove its effectiveness in treating pain.

Music for your heart – According to a research, listening to music is practically good for the heart. It is said that this benefit is based more on the tempo or beat of the music, rather than the style of the music. Based on the same study, the musical tempo dictates whether our heart rate will slow down or the opposite. So, the next time you want to take it easy and relax a bit, it is highly advisable for you to listen to slow music instead of lively ones.

Music for the brain – Have you ever heard of pregnant women who listen to classical music because they believe that it will improve the IQ or intelligence of their baby? Many scientists believe this and researches prove that this claim might be valid after all. It is said that listening to music can make you learn better. To be specific, classical music is said to make a baby smarter if a mother listens to it during her pregnancy.

Music can boost your immunity – Many scientists claim that listening to music can boost your immune system. There are certain types of music that can give you a very positive feeling – the feeling that you get from this positivity allows your body to secret a specific hormone that boosts your immune system.

With all the given benefits above, listening to music is definitely a very healthy activity that should be encouraged on a regular basis. Not only does it promote appreciation for any type of music, but it also has a very positive effect on our health.


Medical News Today
Huffington Post

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